How diabetes effect the feet

Overtime, Diabetes can effect the nerves in the feet which can lead to a condition called Peripheral Neuropathy. This condition can range from pin and needles or a tingling feeling to not being able to feel sensation in your feet at all. If you think about this in practical terms, you may not be able to feel a cut or a blister and be able to seek medical attention when needed to avoid an infection.
The second way that your feet can be effected by Diabetes is through a lack of blood flow. This can effect your ability to heel a cut or a wound. If we link this back to Peripheral Neuropathy, if you are unable to feel a wound forming and your blood flow is lacking you could possible have a wound that they you do not know about and an impairment for healing.
If these if these two complications combine you may develop a Diabetic foot wound and may need a high risk foot referral.
The Diabetic Assessment
A Podiatrist will conduct an annual Diabetic Assessment ( can also be called a neurovascular assessment) to assess both the blood flow down to your feet and your protective sensation in your feet.
The first assessment looks at blood flow down to the feet. We look at this with a doppler, similar to an ultrasound machine. Here we are looking at the monitor for a waveform and listening for a beat pattern. This pattern might be what we call Monophasic, Biphasic or Triphasic. A normal beat pattern is Biphasic or Triphasic. A Monophasic wave form would indicate and decreased blood flow to the feet that could impair healing.

The second set of tests looks at the protective sensation or feeling within the feet. Two of the most common tests used here are the graduated tuning fork and the 10g monofilament. These will be conducted by placing the instrument at different places on the your foot to see if you are able to feel the appropriate sensation. This is often done with your eyes closed to get the most accurate result.
Your podiatrist will complete these assessments every year to help monitor your symptoms. If any symptoms such as pins and needles, tingling or leg cramps occur between testing times it is important to let your podiatrist know.
Your Podiatrist will let you know of the results during the session but will also send them to your GP so they will have the information also or if you might need a high risk foot referral.
Why should you see a Podiatrist if you have diabetes
To have your nails cut if you struggle to reach down, this will help to decrease your chances of cutting yourself.

Footwear education, to ensure that your shoes are the appropriate fit.
Footwear recommendations, there are many styles now that are seam free and designed specifically for diabetic patients.
To complete your diabetic foot assessment and monitor for your feet.
For wound care.
We hope this information helps with understanding your diabetes better and how a podiatrist can help. We are located at 108 Bridport St, Albert Park Vic 3206, or you can call us on 03 8648 7678.
Alternatively, you can click on the book now button below and it will take you to our online booking page.