Trauma or fungal nail infection might leave your toe nail discoloured or disfigured which impact not only on the appearance of your toe nails but also on your confidence when wearing open shoes or sandals. Keryflex is a safe and effective solution to restore the natural look of your existing damaged toe nails. This is a painless service that immediately remodels your toe nails within a 30-minute consultation at Foot Body Sole.
Keryflex- Why?
Delivers immediate and significant cosmetic enhancement after one visit
Is compatible with human tissue
Allows for the remaining nail to grow out naturally
Is non-porous and will not allow moisture to penetrate between the natural and prosthetic nail
Is unaffected by acetone, nail polishes or detergents
Kerylfex- Who?
Those who experience the following conditions will benefit from Keryflex:
Nail fungus
Nail shape changes due to injury
Spoon shaped nails
Brittle and splitting nails
Horizontal ridges
Discolored nails
Keryfex - How?
A comprehensive nail and skin treatment is provided prior to Keryflex.
A bonding agent is applied. It is recommended to have at least 15% natural toe nail to allow the best adhesion of Keryflex.
The Keryflex resin - a lightweight, medical-grade gel- is then applied to sculpt and contour the nail.
Finally, KeryFlex Sealant - a UV curing top coat- is applied to seal the KeryFlex nail.
Keryflex - Don't
KeryFlex Nail Restoration should not be used on individuals with:
Peripheral vascular disease
Arterial insufficiency
Peripheral neuropathy
Suspicious pigmented lesions on the nail or in-grown toenails.
Allergic to the ingredient
Currently treating an active fungal or bacterial infection
At Foot Body Sole, we use an individual Keryflex pack for each patient. This is how we ensure to deliver a safe treatment to everyone.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact is at Foot Body Sole:
108 Bridport st, Albert Park
(03) 8648 7678