Often as a podiatrist, I will hear a patient mention they have plantar fasciitis when they have heel pain. Let's clear a few things up first. There are many causes of heel pain such as plantar fasciitis, baxter's nerve entrapment, fat pad atrophy, calcaneal fracture, bone bruising just to name a few. For the purpose of this blog, I will be using plantar fasciitis due to its frequency seen in the clinic.

What is plantar fasciitis
Some studies suggest heel pain accounts for roughly 10% of the population visiting podiatrists with plantar fasciitis being the primary diagnoses. Plantar fasciitis is characterised by degeneration of the plantar fascia. It is believed to occur from mechanical injury in which excessive tensile strain within the plantar fascia produces microscopic tears leading to degeneration of the fascia.

How does this happen?
There are multiple reasons plantar fasciitis occurs and is usually a combination of one, two or multiple reasons that contribute to this.

Foot structure (flat foot can predispose you)
Reduction in ankle and big toe joint range of motion and this places mechanical stress on the plantar fascia
Increased body weight
Sudden exercise increases mechanical strain
Doing too much exercise or not enough rest between exercise
Occupation (standing long periods in work)
Incorrect footwear
Poor foot mechanics - excessive foot pronation
Symptoms of plantar fasciitis
First steps in the morning typify classic plantar fasciitis pain
Throughout the day it seems to warm up and be okay, then when rest pain returns
Sometimes, you may experience pain the longer you weight bear
May have a sharp shooting, burning sensation around the heel and up the inside of the heel region
Does plantar fasciitis resolve quickly?
Typically, we see in the clinic resolution of plantar fasciitis anywhere from a few weeks to a few months with some regular weekly appointments and comprehensive management plan catered to an individuals lifestyle. Listed below, are our common methods.
Shockwave therapy
High level & low level laser therapy
Ultrasound therapy
Activity modification
Footwear modification
Orthotic therapy
Stretching/strengthening exercise and rehab program
However, sometimes this does not resolve the problem and more invasive options may be needed such as prolotherapy injections or surgery.
What happens if I leave my plantar fasciitis too long
Due to its degenerative nature at the heel bone attachment, if left untreated for 6 months plus it starts to develop a self perpetuating cycle of further degeneration throughout the tissue and spreads to the surrounding tissue. Thus making the job of reducing symptoms take longer and potentially reducing the efficacy of the above mentioned therapies.
Luckily here at Foot Body Sole we have access to regenerative therapies and if want to find out more about plantar fasciitis or you have been wanting to seek help, please don't hesitate to contact us at info@footbodysole.com.au or 8648 7678 or come in store to chat to our friendly staff.